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Join your CAC Executive Director (ED) colleagues for this exciting training opportunity. CAC EDs lead the charge for positioning CACs to meet NCA’s Mental Health Accreditation Standards. Many ED’s do not have a mental health background which can create challenges. NCA is excited to announce this training opportunity for EDs to learn about developing and sustaining high quality mental health programs at your CACs.
We are excited to announce that we will be offering Enhance Early Engagement (E3) Training for CAC Victim Advocates this fall! Interested to learn more about what E3 is, and how it will benefit your advocates, and CAC? Join us next Tuesday, September 18 at 2:00pm Eastern! Register here: NCA Learning: Fall 2024 E3 Information Call (nationalchildrensalliance.org)
National Children's Alliance
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SEWashington, DC 20003(202) 548-0090